NFT Mode

Tomb of the Mask in "NFT Mode" gives a whole new experience to the game by adding new mechanics using NFT and tokens.

There will be two types of NFT in the game, namely "Adventurer" NFT and NFT items.

"Adventurer" NFT is needed to get access to "NFT Mode". "Adventurer" NFT is your avatar - an adventurer who explores tombs.

This NFT has mutable properties that you need to level up, making your NFT unique.

Among the properties:

  • Type - the property of the NFT that shows the rarity and power of your character. For example, the type can be "Common", "Uncommon", "Rare" etc. The rarer your character is, the rarer the reward they can get. More information about rewards will be described below.

  • Energy - is needed to enable NFT mode in the game. The more energy you have, the more time you can spend in the play and earn experience.

  • Luck - is another one of the parameters, which affects how often and how rare rewards you will get during the game.

  • Items - show what tools your character can operate during the game. Among the tools can be shields, freeze, boosts and so on

  • Burnout - affects the performance of all modifiable "Adventurer" NFT properties. If "Burnout" increases, it affects "Energy", "Luck", and "Items", reducing them. "Burnout" occurs at random intervals.

All "Adventurer" NFT properties except "Burnout" are upgradable using NFT items.

"Burnout" is reduced by merging with another "Adventurer" NFT and will be described below.

"Adventurer" NFTs will be officially sold through NFT sale events within Tomb of the Mask and on popular 3rd party NFT marketplaces. Information about the first Rare "Adventurer" NFT sale event you can find in the chapter Rare "Adventurer" NFT sale: Genesis Collection.

Any Tomb of the Mask player will be able to easily switch to an NFT mode experience by creating a crypto wallet without leaving the game, as well as purchasing "Adventurer" NFT using an in-app purchase.

Common and Uncommon "Adventurer" NFTs will always be available through in-app purchase, but Rare "Adventurer" NFTs will be sold in limited editions no more than a couple of times a year. Each of these series will have a unique design - and those will be a piece of art, giving a unique game experience.

In addition, Rare "Adventurer" NFTs can be obtained by upgrading Common and Uncommon "Adventurer" NFTs within the game, and this will be your important achievement in the game.

Also, there will be a special version of "Adventurer" NFT for Guilds, with the ability to rent "Adventurer" NFT.

NFT items are in-game NFTs, which are various in-game objects needed to upgrade the properties of your "Adventurer" NFT.

NFT item properties:

  • Type - denotes the type of in-game item, which will be responsible for boosting one or another "Adventurer" NFT property. For example, it can be a magic mask or a potion.

  • Influence - determines how much a property of "Adventurer" NFT will be boosted. "Influence" can increase its effectiveness by increasing the level of the NFT item.

  • Level - shows how much the NFT item is leveled up. The higher the level, the more valuable the NFT item is for the "Adventurer" NFT upgrade. The level is raised by merging with other NFT items of the same type, rarity, and level. This is described in more detail below.

  • Rarity - indicates how much of an effect an NFT item has on a particular property. Examples of rarity: "Legendary", "Super Rare", "Rare", "Uncommon", "Common". The rarer your NFT item, the more influence your "Adventurer" NFT can have on its properties.

NFT items can be obtained through the game rewards. More details are in the next chapter.

Also, NFT items, as well as "Adventurer" NFT, can be freely traded both on the in-game marketplace in Tomb of the Masks and on 3d party exchanges.

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