Sustainable Tokenomics

We plan to move 10%-20% of the Tomb of the Mask audience to NFT mode within 2 years.

Sustainable tokenomics that can sustain such rapid growth in the long term is an important issue for us.

Therefore, the inflation ("sources") and deflation ("sinks") model exists, which will ensure the stable development of our tokenomics in the future. It is described in the chart below.

Green arrow - increase the supply Red arrow - we reduce the supply

"Adventurer" NFT has two options to increase supply:

  • Official NFT Sales - an event where we mint and sell a certain amount of "Adventurer" NFT inside Tomb of the Masks, or via limited sales on 3rd party marketplaces.

  • Upgrades in the game are the transformation of one "Adventurer" NFT into another "Adventurer" NFT by changing its rarity. In essence, we are not quantitatively increasing the total supply of "Adventurer" NFTs, but we are changing its structure. For example, if we had 100,000 Uncommon "Adventurer" NFTs and 10,000 Rare "Adventurer" NFTs, and the player upgraded their Uncommon "Adventurer" NFT, and converted it to Rare "Adventurer" NFT. Then the Uncommon "Adventurer" NFT is burned, and the Rare "Adventurer" NFT is released. The total supply of "Adventurer" NFTs will not change and will be 110,000 Rare and Uncommon "Adventurer" NFTs respectively, but their structure will change and will look like this: 99,999 Uncommon "Adventurer" NFTs, and 10,001 Rare "Adventurer" NFTs

"Adventurer" NFT has one option to reduce the supply:

  • Merge with other "Adventurer" NFTs - a mechanic whereby one of the "Adventurer" NFTs will burn, and the other will reduce the "Burnout". More information about how often it is necessary to combine with other "Adventurer" NFTs will appear later, after detailed elaboration.

NFT items have one option to increase supply:

  • NFTs as a Game Reward - events in which, the player receives NFT items. More information is in the Play Reward chapter. The player can keep these NFTs or sell them through the p2p marketplace.

NFT items have three options to reduce supply:

  • Merge with "Adventurer" NFTs - an event where NFT items are burned, leveling up all of their properties to "Adventurer" NFTs.

  • Merge with NFT items - an event where two NFT items are burned and a new NFT item with a higher level is obtained instead.

  • Exchange in USDC/TOMB - some NFTs like cups that players win during competitions can be automatically exchanged in USDC or TOMB tokens.

Our focus is on game mechanics that reduce TOMB token circulation supply.

In our vision, sinks that remove TOMB tokens from the circulation supply must be usable by 90% of players, and repeatable. This is a fundamental rule for our token utility.

We’ve already had a deep analysis of what our current players spend their game web2 currency on:

  • More working time for the shield

  • More working time for magnet

  • More working time for freezing

  • Remove obstacles

  • Score booster

  • Buy more energy

  • Resurrection

  • and more

We will use this to provide game sinks for our NFT mode. For example, if a player doesn't want to wait until when “Adventurer” NFT will provide the necessary level of shield protection, he/she can extend the working time for the shield using the TOMB token. TOMB token will be removed from the supply and put into the reserve.

Reserve is a special treasury where we will store all “TOMB” tokens that will be collected from the circulation supply via sinks.

All above sinks are net-negative sinks as the upgrades are related to the gameplay experience, rather than to NFT/Token reward.

Also, we’re planning to add new sinks related to NFT mechanics:

  • Open Special NFT Reward Boxes

  • Level-up "Adventurer" NFT for certain levels

  • Level-up NFT items for certain levels

  • Participate in tournaments

  • Access to the special events in the levels

  • Access to the special/bonus levels

  • Access to the special game NFT modes like Survival/Raid

Most of those sinks are also considered as net negative sinks because they have a direct influence on the gameplay experience. That helps us avoid inflation, and supports strong in-game demand for TOMB tokens.

Last updated